The department of Information Technology is organizing a One Day Workshop On MS Excel for teaching and non-teaching staff on Tuesday, 21th January 2020 (Second Half). Registration is free. The resource person is from Global Talent Track.
All the participants will be given an e-certificate by Microsoft.

Table of Content

Introduction to Keyboard Shortcuts Sorting data Filtering data Charts
Apply Conditional Logic in formula 1. Databases in Excel – introduction 1. Filter data – the filter icon 1. Using Quick Analysis
Text functions – an introduction 2. Sort data 2. Filter on text 2. Recommended Charts
1. Concatenate 3. Sort on font colour 3. Filter on more than one column 3. Understanding different types of chart
2. Trim 4. Sort on cell colour 4. Remove the filter IF Function (IF Statement)
3. Upper 5. Sort on cell icon 5. Filter data on colour Duplicate
4. Lower Conditional formatting 6. Text filters
5. Proper HLOOKUP 7. Number filters
6. Right VLOOKUP 8. Date filters
7. Left Pivot table
8. Delimit
The Interested teaching and non-teaching staff should fill the details in given below link :