As per the recently announced merit list of students under the Savitribai Phule Pune University, 3 students from International Institute of Information Technology have secured top merit ranks.  Indraneel Dongaonkar from the Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering ranks 9th, Amit Kumar from the Department of Computer Engineering ranks 10th and Ankush Kumar from the Department of Information Technology ranks 9th in their respective engineering stream at the University level.

While Indraneel scored 9.41 SCPA, Amit’s grades were 9.39 SCPA and Ankush got 9.37 SGPA.  Kudos to the I²IT Achievers!

Indraneel Dongaonkar- E&TC              Amit Kumar- Computer Engineering           Ankush Kumar- Information Technology

Information by
International Institute of Information Technology
P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park,
Hinjawadi Phase 1, Pune