Metric No. 7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities Download
7.1.1 Gender Equity (Number of gender equity promotion programmes organized by the institution during AY2021-22
7.1.2 Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy & energy coservation measures such as solar energy, Use of LED bulbs etc..
7.1.3 Institution has facilities for degradable & non degradable waste
7.1.4  Institution has water conservation facilities such as rain water harvesting, waste water recycling etc
  • Geo tagged photographs of the facilities
  • Additional Information
7.1.5  Green Campus Initiatives
7.1.6  Quality audits on environment & energy
7.1.7  Institute has disabled friendly , barrier free environment
7.1.8  Inclusion and Situatedness
7.1.9 Sensitizing students & employees to the constitutional obligations
7.1.10 Human Values and Professional Ethics Code of conduct (handbooks) for various stakeholders
7.1.11 Institute celebrates / organizes national & international commemorative days, events & festivals
7.2.1 Describe at least two institutional best practices
7.3.1 Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority and thrust
7.3.2. Plan of action for the next academic year
  • Details of Plan of action
. AQAR 2021-22 submitted report