Both human rights and moral rights are natural rights; These are universal rights that are not granted by governments, so they exist even when there is no government. On the other hand, legal rights are rights conferred by the law of a State; Privileges granted by the state/governments to its citizens. So this is another difference between human rights, legal rights and moral rights. In short, moral rights are those that are recognized as morally correct or acceptable for the common good of humanity. Therefore, they are not formulated by any state or authority of a country, and they do not vary from country to country and person to person. The first thing to note is the relationship between moral duties on the one hand and moral rights on the other. Some of our duties are so important that they involve rights. Fees due are one side of the coin; The rights they possess are on the other side. Let me explain. The first legal code, the Codex of your-Nammu, was developed in Mesopotamia around 2000 BC. The Code lists prohibited acts and the penalties associated with them. The law had the support of the powers that be and was enforced throughout the empire. The Ur-Nammu codex was remarkably modern with a mixture of physical and monetary punishments.

Current laws are still based on the structure of the your-Nammu Code. Legal rights refer to a set of rights formulated by a government`s legal system. They are granted to citizens of that particular state as privileges. It is therefore these freedoms or the protection of individuals created by laws. Therefore, they are assigned to a person by the legislation of a country. Similarly, they may be amended, repealed and restricted by the same Acts. These two terms are closely related because of the similarities they share. These similarities include: Ethics is essentially concerned with what is morally good or bad, good or bad, and what is good for each individual and society as a whole. Human rights are the universal rights that every human being can enjoy. The United Nations defines human rights in the Charter of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as follows: “Human rights are the inherent rights of all human beings without distinction as to race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or other status.

Human rights include the right to life and liberty, the right not to be subjected to slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and much more. Everyone has the right to these rights, without discrimination. As a champion of moral rights, I am on the side of America`s founders. Young men sent to fight in Vietnam had moral rights, including the right to life, liberty and physical integrity. The same goes for Vietnamese children who have been killed and maimed in the conflict. And everyone had those rights, whether the U.S. government or any other government recognized them. b. They are both committed to preventing immoral and illegal acts in society, as society develops and opinions change, so does what is considered moral. If you look back in history, there are many examples of laws that were clearly immoral by today`s standards.

Among other things, the United States stole Native American land, enslaved blacks, and discriminated against homosexuals. As society becomes more informed and open, citizens demand that their laws reflect their new definition of what is moral. While not everyone agrees with the decisions, changing the laws is a big step toward changing general social views. The amendment to the law provides the company with the new definition of what is acceptable. Law and morality interact with each other and often cause each other`s change. Ultimately, when laws are unjust or outdated, people must stand up and fight for what is right. f. Law and ethics work hand in hand to set a moral limit for all members of society.

However, on the basis of conventions and agreements, the law can be enacted to ensure that human rights are protected and not violated. Similarly, there are no justified sanctions for violation of moral rights. On the other hand, there are follow-up penalties and penalties for violation of legal rights by anyone. However, if a government identifies and formulates one of these human or moral rights among the legal rights of that state, it also prosecutes for violations of these rights. Therefore, it is also an essential difference between human rights, legal rights and moral rights. Sometimes those whose rights are violated do not understand the injustice done to them. What sometimes happens to children and people with severe developmental disabilities, regardless of age, are obvious examples of how this can happen. Because of their vulnerability, these people are easy prey for those seeking benefits, whether personal or public. When they are used as a means to such ends, not only are the rights of these persons violated; Moreover, those of us who understand the wrongs that have been committed have a duty to intervene on behalf of the victims, to stand up and stand up for them. Moreover, duty here is itself a demand for justice, not a call to generosity.

We owe our help to these victims; Help is something they deserve, not something we would be terribly kind to provide. The less people are able to defend their rights, the more we have a duty to do so for them. The law is a system of rules that a state applies to regulate behavior through punishment. Legal principles are based on the rights of citizens and the state, which are expressed in the rules. An action is admissible if it does not violate any of the written rules. One. The law is the set of rules and regulations that govern and govern the behavior of individuals in society, ethics on the other hand are the moral principles that control the behavior of individuals in society. Civil and moral rights are important sources of social construction.

However, the nature and applicability of civil and moral rights have often been a major source of conflict between peoples and political leaders. It is especially important to distinguish morality from law, as discussions about morality and law often merge.