His Canon camera hung on his side and the sense of uncertainty about what he could now bring back underscored everything he said. There is still some uncertainty as to the timing of the accident. “N—not quite,” Amy replied with a smile and an uncertain look, as if she didn`t quite see the question drifting away. Overall, I`ve also had my moments where I`ve gotten really confused or depressed, or whatever you want to call it, just about the situation because there`s so much uncertainty. There`s a lot of uncertainty in the SEO community as to whether Google actually uses behavioral metrics to rank pages. Now, the travel-focused mega-unicorn still has to deal with the uncertainty of the pandemic. Insecurity, doubt, dubietia, skepticism, distrust, mistrust mean lack of security about someone or something. Uncertainty can range from a lack of certainty to an almost complete lack of conviction or knowledge, especially about an outcome or outcome. Assume the role of manager without hesitation or uncertainty Doubts indicate both uncertainty and the inability to make a decision. Plagued by doubts about what to do, Dubiety points to a hesitation between conclusions.

Felt a certain doubtful about its practicality skepticism implies a reluctance to believe, without conclusive evidence. An economic forecast greeted with skepticism highlights the lack of confidence in the truth, reality, fairness or reliability of something or someone. If one looks at the stranger with suspicion, distrust implies real doubt based on suspicion. had a great distrust of doctors New York blinks in the face of uncertainty and bans hydraulic fracturing. There are some uncertainties about the future of the club. Billy Towler – aka Walleye – took care of him with a touch of uncertainty. The uncertainty surrounding the date of his father`s death and his own has raised doubts about whether he ever took over. Given the uncertainty in which we are left behind by text and comments, the best thing we can do is worship without arguing. When the certainty of the wisdom of uncertainty itself is uncertain, the power of definition crumbles according to logical norms. The noun uncertainty describes a state of doubt.

You might look with uncertainty at the claim that a $100 investment will yield $500 by next month. Uncertainty can also include addiction to chance. Your uncle may be uncertain that he will have a job next year because his business may close one of his branches. Minimize uncertainty about the future by seeking expert advice. But for me, this admission of uncertainty and doubt establishes a series in reality. After two months of uncertainty, the committee decided to abandon its answer and invited Rimsky-Korsakov to take his place. If you`re not sure, it means you`re not really sure. If you`ve missed a lot of classes and haven`t learned much, you may not know if you`ve passed your big math test.

We are only getting used to uncertainty more than to diminishing uncertainty. If you`re sure of something, you`re sure. If you`re not sure, you don`t know. If you don`t know the answer to a math question, you`re not sure. If you don`t remember where you parked your car, you don`t know where it is. In addition, everything that is unknown or in the air is uncertain. Trying to be a famous actor is an uncertain path. Playing on horses is very dangerous.

And it is certainly difficult to plan for an uncertain future. Mr. Bayne`s comment was made in 1986 when he accepted a newly created position. Companies are now looking for possible measures and responses to mitigate the risks associated with these uncertainties. Not to be sure of himself is to be unsure of something. Moreover, uncertain things are indecisive, unknown or doubtful in any way. Probably inspired by this Arabic proverb: “He advances one leg and pulls the other back”. Uncertainties remain about the long-term future of the plant. dirty; when he does, he wastes water – Malagasy proverb Modern psychologists have adopted this as a neurosis, calling it a “double bond.” .

Management has shown that it is not willing to compromise. The show`s police officers joke about prison riots, bomb threats and shooting at unarmed civilians. She led me to a sunny room where two children were playing. When you show someone an object, you hold it or give it away or take it from them to look at. If the spectacle has this meaning, it always needs an indirect object. You can say, “Show someone something” or “Show someone something. Remember Show and Tell? To show something means to show something, to share it or to make a small show out of it. Not real CIA agents, but U.S. government employees who have worked closely with the CIA and are fans of the show.

The temperature is represented in the diagram by a red line. They managed to repair it in such a way that the fracture was not visible. show, exhibit, exhibit, exhibit, demonstrate, display, display, present to attract attention or attention. Showing means nothing more than allowing someone else to see or investigate. showed their snapshots to the entire group, which was clearly visible or open. Exhibiting paintings in a gallery focuses on putting them in a position where others can see to their advantage. Exposing the items for sale that are on display suggests getting out of concealment and watch. The attempt to expose the hypocrisy of the City Fathers Parade involves ostentatious or arrogant display. Displaying their piety to all suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parade.

The nouveau riche display their wealth Chemical changes are represented on the diagram as small circles. The dial indicated that the pressure had fallen to a dangerously low level. A deep sense of sadness appeared beneath his joyful appearance. To show, to manifest, to prove, to demonstrate, to demonstrate means to reveal to the outside world or to make visible. The spectacle is the general term, but sometimes implies that what is revealed must be obtained by inferences of actions, looks or words. Being careful not to show one`s true feelings implies a clearer and more immediate revelation. Musical abilities manifested at an early age suggest serving as evidence of the actuality or existence of something. A commitment proven by years of loyal service involves manifesting oneself by external signs or signs. Not showing the slightest fear implies showing yourself by action or by displaying feelings. have demonstrated their approval by loud applause The noun spectacle refers to any type of display, exhibition or demonstration. How does that compare to signage, bragging, and pump? Learn more about Thesaurus.com.

You can use indicate and show in the same way when talking about evidence or research. Not only do children themselves expand the scope of our orders, but they also show a willingness to set rules. As soon as this attack happened, the citizens of Paris gathered to show that they are not afraid, we are Charlie Hebdo. The drug has proven to be an effective treatment for depression. Accidents like this show what can happen when drivers are not alert. And they may not have to wait that long to show their political clout. Middle English shewen, shown, Old English scÄawian to look, look, see; As our study showed, young people are less likely to vote. Show is a word with several meanings, but they are closely related. There are TV and radio shows, and a play is also a show. In these cases, shows are types of entertainment. You can also say, “Let me show you something.” You can show by pointing to something, but showing can also mean proving something.

A lawyer must show why his client is innocent. People who can`t stop showing things are called show-offs. It was the first time the film was broadcast on television. Smoking has been shown to increase the risk of developing lung cancer. No one else would dare to show themselves exposed to a foreigner, a white man. The study shows an increase in the disease in the elderly. He asked the Order to show their title deeds, but was met with a contemptuous refusal. If someone has lost his temper and his money, he is careful not to show it; To do so here would indeed be a bad form. Members receive a detailed map with all major tourist attractions.

Earlier this week, Huckabee ended his talk show on Fox News so he could spend time thinking about another offer for the Republican nomination. I will show how it is possible to extend life to the deadline set by God. The gift is meant to show our appreciation for all your hard work. She had chosen a color that really showed dirt. This is the first time the painting has been shown to the public. The display is designed to accentuate clothing. 22M 1 tongue, which persists after the fall of the curtain, in the transitive sense.

Week 1 8/27: Courses and course introductions Media texts and images MEDIA CRITICISM Course Description and Objectives In this course, we will explore a variety of approaches to media criticism, including textual, institutional/industrial and audience-oriented approaches. First, we view media as a primarily textual phenomenon and focus on how to interpret popular media images. Second, we will examine how popular media images are produced and disseminated by media institutions, paying particular attention to the logics and industrial conditions that circumscribe media production. Finally, we approach the media from the perspective of the public; We will reflect on what the public does with the media and how the media intersects with everyday life. Week 1111/1-11/5: Media Production Cultures I Justin Wyatt, “A Critical Re-definition: The Concept of High Concept” and Henry Jenkins, “Searching for the Origami Unicorn” Week 12 11/8-11/12: Media Production Cultures II Laura Grindstaff, “Trash, Class, and Cultural Hierarchy” John Caldwell, “Convergence Television” Often in the form of a visual essay, media criticism requires research, the editing and translation of written and visual sources into a coherent, understandable whole. This video is incredibly well crafted, citing multiple sources, incorporating text and graphics, and showcasing so many of David Lynch`s different works and media. The author is very articulate, intelligent and creative. Throughout the semester, we maintain a broad and multidimensional critical perspective on popular media. Together we are developing a critical media toolkit in which we struggle with key media science terms and reflect on the social and political consequences of media texts and institutions. This critical perspective forces us to question many of the assumptions we have about the media, its place in society, and our own engagement with it. Your goal this semester is to become a critical media specialist.

Students put into practice the critical perspective we have developed by producing their own critique of the media. Success in this course This course will be fun and challenging at the same time. On the one hand, much of our work this semester will be enjoyable. We will learn more about popular media and develop tools to understand the images we encounter in our daily lives. We will watch many clips and draw inspiration from our own experience with popular media. On the other hand, this course will challenge students to think about media in new ways, grasp and apply difficult concepts, make connections between readings, and articulate their own critical arguments and conclusions about popular media. Reading will be difficult. The tasks will be demanding and my expectations will be high. Here are some tips on how to do well in this course: Are you a student who has been assigned to a media critic and need extra help? Contact us on our hotline or make an appointment with a consultant (University Park only). Fortunately, reviews and comments fall under fair dealing protection, so your biggest challenge is overcoming the many hurdles that content owners put in place to protect themselves from downloading/copying digital works. Come to class every day with readings in hand, completed and carefully thought out. Ask.

If you think them, chances are others are too. Choose a research topic at the beginning of the semester and visit me often as you develop your research plan and critical arguments. Keep a reading log. Write down important concepts, ideas, and passages that you find helpful and insightful. Take advantage of our days of writing workshops. We will devote sufficient teaching time to writing student papers. Prepare yourself with your ideas and read your journal. Use your new knowledge in your daily life. Develop your critical perspective by applying our readings while watching media.

Bring your observations and ideas into the classroom to share. Hi Olive! I must say; You`ve accomplished a lot with just a short clip in less than a minute. I loved Proud Family as a kid and haven`t seen any clips or scenes in years. I have to say that it really showed how hidden the messages are even in the children`s programs that accompany us in our adult lives. I never thought that their clothes and skin color, which are radically different, are a symbol of “darker = bad”. All other children have fairly fair skin and are therefore shown wearing brighter clothes, while the little sisters wear the same dull clothes unlike other children. As a child watching this, I can see a girl how those who wear clothes like the Gross Sisters can feel, because they have to wear bright colors for them to appear as the innocent girls on the show and not as the Gross Sisters. In this short clip of the rough sisters (www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYNxhizQiek), we see how greedy they are and think only of themselves. The message continues that those who dress this way and have darker skin are considered greedy and mean. What I personally learned from those who speak Spanish is that they only saw it as a way to steal money instead of communicating with people who spoke Spanish. Obviously, they knew that none of the students, with the exception of LaCienega, spoke Spanish and they used it as a way to intimidate taking their money.

Using substances to achieve euphoric moods is risky and, in some cases, can lead to addiction and overdose. Fortunately, there are things you can do to experience euphoric moods without using mind-altering substances. Dysphoric mania (a combination of mania and restless depression, also known as mixed mania) is the opposite of euphoric mania. A person with this mood swing is excited, uncomfortable, irritated, depressed, pessimistic and full of negative energy. They do not sleep well, if at all, and ultimately their behavior is destructive and sometimes deadly. Dysphoric mania is especially dangerous because of driving, fighting, and other self-destructive behaviors. Dysphoric mania can be mild to moderate (hypomania) or fully developed. I`ve heard that I`ve been described as follows: “I feel like I`m stepping out of my skin. My body and mind are in civil war. My depression is much better than before, but the wave of mania still haunts me.

I learn to use it to my advantage whenever possible. Instead of starting projects that simply don`t finish, I strive to persuade myself to use energy for an ongoing project. It doesn`t always work, but I know myself and will eventually implement it. Recognizing these euphoric outbursts of mania as something negative, rather than focusing on how good they make me feel, is key. Euphoric mania is exactly what it looks like – people describe it as wonderful, beautiful, amazing, fantastic and expansive. As Teri Cheney, the author of Manic`s memoir, says, “Everything gets interesting.” Few long-term studies have reported the diagnostic stability of childhood mania in early adulthood. Future research should focus on the heterogeneity of irritability in order to distinguish different subtypes of pediatric psychiatric disorders with different phenomenology, course, outcome, and biomarkers. Longitudinal studies of samples of mood presentation, irritable versus floating, and course, chronic or episodic, can help clarify whether there are significant differences in the course, treatment and outcome of bipolar disorder with pediatric onset. Psychoactive substances produce an “increase” in endorphins and other neurotransmitters in the brain`s reward circuit. Endorphins are released naturally when we experience pleasurable things, such as a creative activity. However, drugs produce a higher endorphin content than we normally produce ourselves. These high levels of endorphins create pleasurable sensations that make us euphoric.

But when I wrote the check, it was the most euphoric feeling. Euphoria can be described as an increased, exaggerated or extremely positive feeling of happiness or well-being. It is thought to represent an unusually extreme degree of happiness or satisfaction beyond what happens with normal emotional responses. It can be described as a feeling of intense joy or happiness beyond what one might expect under normal circumstances. Euphoria can be felt by those who suffer from bipolar depression (manic depression) in the manic phase. It can sometimes be seen in other psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, where emotional responses and perceptions of reality are abnormal. Euphoria in the context of psychiatric illness can also be caused by symptoms such as: Some causes of euphoric moods are natural and healthy. The thrill and excitement you feel on a roller coaster at an amusement park, or the feeling of joy and fulfillment you feel after achieving an important goal, are two examples of natural euphoric moods. Results from retrospective studies in adult patients with bipolar disorder suggest that between one-third and more than half had experienced psychopathological symptoms early in childhood or adolescence [16, 34, 40]. Perlis et al.

reported that 65% of a large sample (N = 983) of bipolar adults reported mood symptoms that began in the prepubertal (28%) or adolescent (37%) years [41]. These reports suggest that pediatric mania can and does persist into adulthood. I become terribly hypersexual when euphoric mania arises. I feel like a stalker. In the past, I gave in and met all the guys I wanted to meet, simply because mania took away my inhibitions and I followed what I wanted. I control it much better now. Many of you know that I decided to be single for a few years to finally master my manic sexual behavior. It`s the smartest thing I`ve ever done. Here`s why.

When I enter a certain euphoric episode where men look like candy that I need to eat, I know that problems are on the way. As I wrote this paragraph, I remembered a time at Starbucks when hypomania was there, but I looked at it and didn`t give in. I went to the store and stood in line. In front of me stood a guy in shorts who had obviously played sports. Irritability was reported as the most common clinical feature of pediatric mania, reaching 95-100% sensitivity in several samples (Table 11). Despite this high sensitivity, irritability has been criticized as a non-specific symptom, as it could be a hallmark of other psychiatric disorders in adolescents, particularly depression and oppositional defiant disorder. Nevertheless, some authors have reported that the quality and amount of irritability observed in some children may be clearly associated with mania. This irritability is extremely severe with aggression and outbursts and differs significantly from the irritability seen in other psychiatric disorders. Taken together, this suggests that irritability as a symptom in itself may not be pathognomonic for bipolar disorder, but that the severe form of irritability described in children with bipolar disorder can be considered a mood criterion for pediatric mania [19] as euphoria. Attention to heterogeneity of irritability could guide future research to distinguish different subtypes of pediatric psychiatric disorders with different phenomenologies, outcomes, and biomarkers.

Longitudinal studies of samples of mood presentation, irritable versus floating, and course, chronic or episodic, can help clarify whether there are significant differences in the course, treatment and outcome of bipolar disorder with pediatric onset. A good laugh isn`t just fun or entertaining – it can actually be good for your mental health. Research has shown that laughter triggers the release of endorphins, which can help you put yourself in a happier and euphoric state. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V) [17], mania can be characterized by a severe and debilitating abnormal mood state, either euphoric or irritable. These two facets of mania have been observed and well described in clinical descriptions of bipolar children and adolescents. Euphoria is characterized by a sharp and energetic state with grandiose feelings and ideas. Children in this state seem cheerful, too funny, sometimes hilarious and often exhibit immature and vertiginous behaviors that are difficult for parents and peers to contain. These children may also be grandiose with excessive self-confidence, undertake unrealistic projects, and challenge adult authority to extreme degrees.[18] A natural high, on the other hand, can help improve your overall well-being. These experiences are similar to what humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow called “cutting-edge experiments.” Experiences at the top are moments of enormous and impressive joy, often accompanied by feelings of wonder, ecstasy and deep meaning.

Oliviches date back to the 600s BC. AD, when the Greek city-states of Sparta and Athens were ruled by an elite group of educated aristocrats. During the 14th century, the city-state of Venice was controlled by wealthy nobles called “patricians”. More recently, South Africa, which was under white apartheid until 1994, was a classic example of a country ruled by a racial oligarchy. People considered oligarchs are often seen as part of a small group of powerful, elite people whose power comes from wealth, connections, or any other status that makes them highly influential. Although they are few in number, oligarchs do not always act in unison and may even be able to fight each other. However, the fact that they are among the few who have real power makes them oligarchs. Calling someone an oligarch usually implies that they are part of a corrupt and oppressive system, regardless of the official form of government or the specific policies of its leaders. “We never thought about the oligarchs or the dictator`s friends,” he said.

Oligarchy is one of many English words for a type of government or government. Some of these words, such as plutocracy, have an extremely similar meaning (both can be used to refer to the rule of an economic elite, but oligarchy often has the added connotation of corruption). In addition to these two, we have meritocracy – a system in which the talented are selected and advanced on the basis of merit – monarchy – a form of government in which a country is ruled by a king or queen – an ochlocracy government – by the mob” and gerontocracy “ruled by the elders” among many others. French economist Thomas Piketty, in his 2013 book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, notes that “the risk of a drift into oligarchy is real and gives little reason to be optimistic about the direction the United States is taking.” [29] Despite a popularly elected president, Iran is controlled by a religious oligarchy of Islamic clerics and their relatives and friends. Iran`s constitution states that “the one God (Allah)” has “exclusive sovereignty” over the country. Islamic oligarchs took power after the death of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1989. His successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has transferred his family and allies to high government positions and controls the elected president. A country that is supposed to have an oligarchic government can also be called an oligarchy, as many foreigners view the nation as an oppressive oligarchy. The oligarchy can also refer to the class of people who have power in this type of system, as in The country was ruled by an oligarchy composed of a few powerful industrialists. The exclusive consolidation of power by a dominant religious or ethnic minority has also been described as a form of oligarchy. [5] Examples of this system include South Africa under apartheid, Liberia under American Liberians, the Sultanate of Zanzibar, and Rhodesia, where the installation of oligarchic rule by descendants of foreign settlers was primarily seen as the legacy of various forms of colonialism.

[5] This Twitter page follows the air travel of some of the most prominent oligarchs. Another is pursuing “Russian VIP jets” that Putin may use but are not necessarily on board at any given time. Data from MarineTraffic, a global intelligence group, tracks the movements of ships, including megayachts of Russian oligarchs. The data shows that large boats have been on the move in recent days. Ukrainian oligarchs are a group of business oligarchs who quickly emerged on the economic and political scene after Ukraine`s independence in 1991. In total, there are 35 oligarchic groups. [6] Throughout history, oligarchies have often been tyrannical, relying on obedience or public oppression. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a meaning for the domination of the rich,[4] for which another term used today is plutocracy. In the early 20th century, Robert Michels developed the theory that democracies, like all large organizations, tend to turn into oligarchies. In his “Iron Law of the Oligarchy,” he proposes that the necessary division of labor in large organizations should lead to the establishment of a ruling class that is primarily concerned with protecting its own power.

The word oligarch can refer to a person who is part of an oligarchy in the sense of the term. My wife has four university degrees. I have two. I asked her last night if she could give me the definition of an oligarch. She said, “You know, that`s exactly what I googled yesterday.” From the Greek word oligarkhes, meaning “few rulers,” an oligarchy is a power structure controlled by a small number of people called oligarchs. Oligarchs can be distinguished and linked by wealth, family ties, nobility, corporate interests, religion, politics, or military might. An oligarch, who is against Russia, offers rewards for capturing commandos occupying government buildings. The clearest collection of oligarch names is included in the “Navalny 35” list, named after jailed Kremlin critic and poisoning survivor Alexei Navalny. It was Navalny, the head of the anti-corruption foundation, who appointed these 35 Russians.

The BBC understands that some EU-sanctioned oligarchs are “shocked” because they find their debit cards no longer work, and they now rely on the use of cash from safes.

Gap analysis is done to understand where a company is lagging behind its goals or objectives. It is a form of analysis that evaluates what a company needs to bring its current position into its future dream state. Gap analysis can help you compare the actual performance of your business or project with the performance you had predicted. This way, you can find out what worked for you and what didn`t, what decision you made and what didn`t! A number of tools are available to businesses to facilitate gap analysis. The tools listed below have a purpose that best suits a particular aspect of a gap analysis. Is your product problematic or does your support team need more training to handle difficult calls? You won`t know until you dig in, which means talking to the people involved, collecting data, and reviewing your KPIs. To understand this information and visualize your current status, use a gap analysis tool: a customer journey map, an empathy map, a service plan, or a process flow. A gap analysis, also known as a needs analysis, is important for any type of organizational performance. It allows companies to determine where they are today and where they want to be in the future. Companies can review their goals through a gap analysis to see if they are on track to achieve them. This diagram has the shape of a fish skeleton – the problem / effects are to the mouth, and the associated causes branch out from the spine. This layout gives you an overview of how specific problems are interrelated, so you can decide what to prioritize when developing a solution.

In this blog, we`ll explain everything you need to know about gap analysis, including how it can help your business and some techniques you can use. Ready? Let`s go. This future goal is sometimes referred to as the desired state, the future goal, or the extended goal. To achieve this, you need to think about how you are doing today in your current state (from the first stage) and where you really want to be in a reasonable amount of time. If you are conducting a gap analysis as part of your strategic plan, take a look at the objectives of your plan. These goals can be three to five years, which is ideal. Where are you with them? To answer this question, go back to your current areas of interest. A compliance gap analysis often uses internal audit capabilities and assesses how a company compares to a set of external regulations that dictate how to do something. For example, a company may assess its accounting and reporting functions internally before asking an external auditor to provide an audit opinion on its financial statements. Gap analysis is the process by which an organization monitors its actual performance against its expected/projected performance.

These two terms often refer to the analysis of the performance and risks associated with banks or financial companies. Static gap analysis examines the firm`s sensitivity to changes in interest rates. Dynamic gap analysis examines the company`s gap between its assets and liabilities. If you want to perform your own analysis, you can download our free gap analysis template. As a business owner, you know that you need to improve certain areas of your business to achieve higher goals. But to understand the roadmap on how to get there, you need to understand what`s missing in your operations to do so. This is where a gap analysis comes in. It compares where you are, where you want to be, and explores why a gap exists so you can develop reasonable goals to close it. There are a variety of gap analysis tools and methodologies in the market, and the particular tool a company uses depends on its target objectives.

Here are some common methods for gap analysis: It helps you understand the current state of the organization (performance), your ideal situation (potential) and what needs to be done to move from performance to potential (closing the gap). If you want to know what`s causing customer frustration, you can gather quantitative information, such as your company`s NPS score or the number of negative calls handled each week. You can also view qualitative information such as customer feedback or feedback from your support agents about the current call process. There are many tools to help you bridge the gap. Whichever tool you choose, visualize and document every step of your gap analysis to move your business forward. Going back to our previous example with a marketing team (see step 2), a gap analysis would beg the question: how do we move from an entangled brand voice to one that is consistent and under our control? Another example could be a warehouse that has to meet certain safety rules, but production and human resources managers decide they want to do more than stick to them. Their ideal would be to go above and beyond to attract and retain more talented and engaged employees. Gap analyses were widely used in the 1980s, usually at the same time as ongoing analyses. A gap analysis is considered more difficult to use and less common than continuous analysis, but can still be used to assess exposure to various term structure movements. Clearly state your goals, i.e. what exactly you want to achieve with your business/project and where you want to take your business.

The clearer your goals, the easier it is to understand how to achieve them and perform a gap analysis. While gap analysis methods can be concrete or conceptual, gap analysis models often have the following basic elements in common. Because gap analysis can be used in a variety of ways, it has a variety of advantages. Each service listed below can only relate to a specific type of gap analysis. Nevertheless, companies can perform a gap analysis: if you want to perform a more in-depth analysis of your market environment, try a PESTLE analysis instead, as it adds legal and environmental factors to the PEST analysis. Basically, a gap analysis examines why the company is not reaching its potential and how the situation can be changed to achieve the intended objective. The next step is to analyze current processes by collecting relevant data on performance levels and how resources are currently allocated to these processes. This data may be collected from a variety of sources, depending on what is being analyzed. Examples include reviewing documentation, measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) or other measures of success, conducting stakeholder interviews, brainstorming, and observing project activity.

Companies must constantly evaluate the products they offer, the customers they serve, the market needs they meet, and the efficiency of their operations. However, there may be times when a more formal gap analysis is warranted. These times include: A gap analysis is the process that companies use to compare their current performance to their desired and expected performance. This analysis is used to determine whether a company is meeting expectations and using its resources efficiently.

A Google Ngram analysis [6] shows the case-independent occurrence of the terms “gene”, “genome” and “chromosome” in the corpus of books in English from 1920 to 2008. The data are smoothed by a three-year moving average. The term “genome” was coined in 1920 [1], and many sources, including the Oxford English Dictionary, attribute the word to a portmanteau of the words “gene” and “chromosome”, although this etymology is controversial [1]. It took decades for the term to enter common use, and did not reach its current level of use until the turn of the century. Later this year, researchers will finalize the first draft of the entire human genome – the blueprint for life. The size of a genome is not related to the size or complexity of an organism. For example, humans and nematodes (those that are microscopic) have almost the same genome size. Conversely, rice has fewer genes. Therefore, the size of a genome varies between species. For example, invertebrates and birds have relatively small genomes, while amphibians and fish have intermediate genomes. A genome sequence is the complete list of nucleotides (A, C, G and T for DNA genomes) that make up all chromosomes of an individual or species.

Within a species, the vast majority of nucleotides between individuals are identical, but sequencing of several individuals is necessary to understand genetic diversity. It is very difficult to find an exact definition of the “genome”. It usually refers to the DNA (or sometimes RNA) molecules that carry genetic information into an organism, but it is sometimes difficult to decide which molecules to include in the definition. For example, bacteria typically have one or two large DNA molecules (chromosomes) that contain all the essential genetic material, but they also contain smaller extrachromosomal plasmid molecules that carry important genetic information. The definition of “genome” commonly used in the scientific literature is generally limited to large chromosomal DNA molecules of bacteria. [8] On the other hand, the genome of eukaryotes is altered or damaged by the action of mutagens such as ultraviolet radiation, resulting in a functional, structural or physical modification of the genome or a gene. Genome sequencing and genetic mapping are different technologies. However, both can achieve the same results. One of the goals of the Human Genome Project was to create a series of high-resolution chromosome maps. The genome is often described as an organization`s information bank. Whether it is millions or billions of letters of DNA, their transmission over generations is the main means of heredity of the body`s traits. Several emerging areas of research show that this definition is too simplistic.

Here, we explore how a deeper understanding of genomic diversity and cell physiology challenges concepts of the physical permanence of the genome, as well as its role as the sole source of information for an organism. The genetic order, i.e. the distance between genes on chromosomes, and other markers is described in a map of the genome. Genomic maps are available in different resolution or scaling ranges. Physical maps are available to describe the chemical properties of DNA. Genetic maps are useful for recognizing unique inherited traits among chromosomes as genetic markers. However, only polymorphic markers are used in mapping as they are easily recognizable between different individuals. If printed at a distance of 1 mm, the DNA letters in your genome would stretch 3,000 km. Non-coding sequences include introns, sequences for non-coding RNAs, regulatory regions, and repetitive DNA. Non-coding sequences account for 98% of the human genome.

There are two categories of repetitive DNA in the genome: tandem repeats and intercalated repeats. [34] With a better understanding of genomic content, diversity and expression, we can now reassess our fundamental understanding of the genome and its role in the cell. A closer look at the NIH definition, for example, shows that their two halves are mutually exclusive. That is, the “complete set of DNA” cannot be “all the information necessary to build and maintain (a) organism.” Of course, this should probably be a simplified definition for scientists and non-scientists alike. While it is useful to continue to think of the genome as a physical entity encoding the information needed to maintain and replicate an organism, our current understanding shows that this definition is incomplete. For the continuity of life, the genome is transferred from one cell to another during cell replication and differentiation to ensure the preservation of life. The genome has functional, structural and adaptable roles. It is passed down from generation to generation to preserve species. Federal funding has helped achieve scientific breakthroughs such as the Human Genome Project.

Eukaryotic genomes are even more difficult to define because almost all eukaryotic species contain nuclear chromosomes and extra DNA molecules in the mitochondria. In addition, algae and plants have chloroplast DNA. Most textbooks distinguish between the nuclear genome and the genomes of organelles (mitochondria and chloroplasts), so that when they talk about the human genome, for example, they refer only to the genetic material of the nucleus. [2] [9] This is the most common use of the word “genome” in the scientific literature. Viruses are widespread on Earth, they have the ability to infect almost all living organisms, including animals, plants, insects and other living cells. Viruses play a major role in ecology, which can affect the climate. Viruses contain nucleic acids covered with a packet of proteins. They can enter the cell and use its machinery to replicate its genome. The viral genome varies greatly in terms of nucleic acid type, complexity, size and routes of transmission.

The viral genome may be: Non-long terminal repeats (non-LTR) are classified into long intercalated nuclear elements (LINE), short intercalated nuclear elements (SINE) and penelope-like elements (PLE). In Dictyostelium discoideum, there are other DIRS elements that belong to non-LTRs. Non-LTRs are widespread in eukaryotic genomes. [44] The Human Genome Project is unlocking the genetic secrets of life. These examples of physical transivity in genomes show that the chemical composition and stability of a genome are not necessarily fixed requirements in every organism at all times. Synthetic biologists have further demonstrated this point by the chemical synthesis of viral [21,22] and bacterial genomes [23]. Before the chemical synthesis of these DNA chromosomes, genomes were present in a purely informative state in the form of nucleotide sequences in a computer file. In these cases, the genome of the virus or cell is not transferred from one type of nucleic acid to another, but from a physical DNA molecule to a non-physical nucleotide sequence and again to a physical DNA molecule. Although this example is not a natural phenomenon, it provides simple evidence that the informational content of the genome is more important than its physical permanence.

Therefore, the concept of informational supremacy used to define genomes, for example “all the information necessary for the construction and maintenance of this organism”, deserves further investigation. Most eukaryotes are diploid, meaning that there are two copies of each chromosome in the nucleus, but the “genome” refers to only one copy of each chromosome. Some eukaryotes have distinctive sex chromosomes such as mammalian X and Y chromosomes, so the technical definition of the genome must include both copies of the sex chromosomes. For example, if we refer to the standard human reference genome, it consists of one copy each of the 22 autosomes plus one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. [10] There are many huge differences in size in genomes, which have already been mentioned in multicellular eukaryotic genomes. This is largely due to the different abundances of transposable elements that evolve by creating new copies of themselves in chromosomes. [31] Eukaryotic genomes often contain several thousand copies of these elements, most of which have acquired mutations that make them defective. Here is a table of some significant or representative genomes. See also #See for lists of sequenced genomes.

Many biologists already know that the genome is not always best defined as “all the information necessary to build and maintain a cell or organism.” While this definition is useful to the public in the context of an online glossary, it is necessarily an oversimplification. But if a genome is not a complete set of DNA that contains all the information needed to build and maintain the organism, what is? In summary, DNA contains all the information responsible for building the whole body by providing the necessary instructions for the production of proteins. Each gene in the genome (about 20,000 to 25,000 genes) encodes about 3 proteins.

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The Bachelor of Social Law Studies program provides a model for educating and training students in the study of legal ideas, institutions, and practices from the perspective of the social sciences, law, and humanities. Legal culture is one of the central concepts of the sociology of law. At the same time, the study of legal cultures can be considered as one of the general approaches of the sociology of law. Social law studies are now sufficiently established internationally as a field of research to warrant a thoughtful examination of one of the key elements of such a study; the “socio” of “social law”. The importance and scope of social law studies means that this examination is important not only for those who identify as specialists in social law, but also for a growing number of students, researchers and policy makers in law and other fields informed by these studies. This focus on the social also reflects a widespread and growing feeling – not limited to social law studies – that the rapid changes of late modernity, such as consumerism, globalization or neoliberalism, bring new challenges. Moreover, the profound social changes resulting from the economic crisis in many advanced capitalist countries in the new millennium provide further justification for this investigation. This chapter presents a book designed to address these issues. The book brings together a large number of scholars whose work has been selected for their particular contribution to an aspect of the social – whether in cultural studies, social policy or law, for example.1 The specificity of their contributions provides another justification: that diverse, dynamic and controversial understandings of the social require constant attention when it comes to the legal. However, before presenting these contributions, this chapter takes stock of the main characteristics of the existing field.

The chapter then concludes with an examination of possible avenues for future developments in the field of social law. Since the beginning of the sociology of law, legal pluralism has occupied a central place in the theorization of social law. The sociological theories of Eugen Ehrlich and George Gurvitch were the first sociological contributions to legal pluralism. Moreover, for many decades it has been the most consistent subject of social law debates in the sociology of law and legal anthropology. [92] and received more than its share of criticism from proponents of the various schools of legal positivism. [93] Critics often ask, “How does the law differ from other normative systems from a pluralistic point of view? What makes a system of social rules legal? [94] The ideology of legal positivism captured the imagination of lawyers and social scientists to such an extent that their image of the legal world was successfully disguised as fact and formed the cornerstone of social and legal theory. Interactionism had become popular in America in the 1950s and 1960s as a politically radical alternative to structural functionalism. Instead of viewing society as a system that regulates and controls the actions of individuals, interactionists have argued that sociology should be concerned with what people have done in certain situations and how they have understood their own actions. [66] The sociology of deviance, which included topics such as crime, homosexuality, and mental illness, became the focus of these theoretical debates. Functionalists have portrayed crime as a problem that must be managed by the legal system. In contrast, labeling theorists have focused on the process of legislation and law enforcement: how crime was constructed as a problem. A number of British sociologists and researchers in law schools have drawn on these ideas to write about law and crime.

[67] [1]Prof. Ranbir Singh et al., “Research methodology” (MHRD) , accessed August 24, 2018 Cotterrell, R (2002) “Subverting Orthodoxi, Making Law Central: A View of Sociolegal Studies” 29 (4) Journal of Law and Society 632-44 Lawrence M. Friedman is one of the socio-lawyers who introduced the idea of legal culture into the sociology of law. For Friedman, legal culture refers to “the public`s knowledge, attitudes, and patterns of behavior toward the legal system.” [112] They can also be “bodies of habits that are organically linked to culture as a whole. [113] Friedman emphasizes the plurality of legal cultures and points out that legal cultures can be explored at different levels of abstraction, for example at the level of the legal system, state, country or community. Friedman is also known for introducing the distinction between “internal” and “external” legal culture. The former refers to general attitudes and perceptions of the law among officials of the legal system, such as the judiciary, while the latter may refer to citizens` attitudes towards the legal system or public order in general. Notable practitioners of social law studies include Professor Carol Smart, co-director of the Morgan Centre for the Study of Relationships and Personal Life (named after sociologist David Morgan), and Professors Mavis Maclean and John Eekelaar, co-directors of the Oxford Centre for Family Law and Policy (OXFLAP). The main difference between the sociology of law and law and society is, on the one hand, that the latter is neither theoretically nor methodologically limited to sociology, but tries to absorb the results of all the disciplines of the social sciences. [48] “It not only provides a home for sociologists, social anthropologists, and political scientists interested in law, but also seeks to include psychologists and economists who study law.” [49] From another point of view, both the sociology of law and law and society must be considered as multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary undertakings, although the sociology of law has special links with the methods, theories and traditions of sociology. [50] As a major or minor in social law, you study law and society from an interdisciplinary perspective.

By critically analyzing legal concepts and methods, feminists have challenged the conditions of legal debate. [114] Introduction to the right to freedom of expression and the media. Students learn how the American legal system works and gain an understanding and appreciation of the philosophical underpinnings of free speech. In addition, students face many of the problems that professional communicators face today. The roots of the sociology of law go back to the work of sociologists and jurists at the turn of the century.

PTS stands for Price to Stockist. PTS (Price to Stockist) is a general term used by pharmaceutical companies to mention the price of a particular product offered to the distributor or distributor. PTS includes VAT owed by Stockist to the central government. The company`s turnover is usually calculated by PTS for a specific product. Sale of the product = PTS * quantity of product sold by the reseller. I hope you now know what PTR means in Clubhouse and how it is used by moderators and speakers. PTR (Price to Retailer) is the short form of “Price to Retailer”. PTR is a general term commonly used by businesses to mention the price of the product offered to the retailer. The PTR should not be confused with the MRP (Maximum Retail Price). PTR includes VAT (VAT depending on the company or reseller).

The PTR, also known as the student-teacher ratio, is the ratio of the number of students to a teacher in a classroom. The student-teacher ratio determines a number of factors when it comes to acquiring knowledge. In a class where the number of students per teacher is lower, the benefits are numerous. Students will become more involved in the classroom and become active participants, allowing them to perform better. There`s a lot of slang going around when you use a social media platform. Some acronyms can be quite confusing. Each platform uses the same acronym differently. Although Clubhouse is a new social media platform, it is already bombarded with some acronyms like PTR. In this blog, we will review the importance of PTR in Clubhouse and how it is used.

Teachers can quickly identify children who fall behind when the RTP is low. The performance of each student can be improved by this timely intervention of teachers. Students are encouraged to show off their talents and, with the appropriate guidance from the teacher, they have the chance to reach their full potential. Therefore, teachers or educators have the opportunity to make positive changes in students when they have fewer students to do. This helps them build a community of learners who are ahead in terms of skills, abilities and performance. Packed with amazing worksheets, including ways to manage anxiety and help kids develop positive habits. In addition, you will notice that the room has been updated. PTPX – PTPY – PTQ – PTQA – PTQR – PTR1 – PTR2 – PTR3 – PTRA – PTRB You will notice that there is no way to share photos in the Clubhouse. Essentially, it will ask you to refresh the screen. Sometimes not only the moderator, but also the speaker says PTR. Total number of wireless transactions from all mobile devices in a specified time period per access point.

You can do this by using your finger and pushing the screen down. Therefore, presenters or speakers often change their profile picture when they need to show you a photo during their presentation. Changing your profile picture is the only way to add photos to Clubhouse. Press and hold the screen for at least 5 seconds while you drag it down. You`ll see that this acronym is used whenever a moderator wants you to drag down the screen to refresh the page. It`s easy to upgrade your screen to Clubhouse. All you have to do is lower your screen. If you swipe down, you`ll see that the speaker`s profile picture has changed. As the education system evolves, educational institutions are trying to reduce the number of students, as this increases the effectiveness of teachers. The smaller the number of students, the more likely the teacher is to have an impact among the students. In addition, each student receives individual attention and relevant feedback from teachers. Therefore, there is room for improvement for students and teachers.

If you run your fingers too fast, the page will not refresh. If that happens, the speaker could just say PTR. This is a clue to refresh your screen. In other words, swipe down on your screen. Read evaluation methods and results. Also read all about blended learning.