Metric No. | 3.1- Resource Mobilization for Research | Download |
3.1.1. | Grants received from Govt. & non Govt. agencies for research projects during A.Y. 2020-21 | |
3.1.3 | No. of Seminars/Conferences/ workshops Conducted by the institution during A.Y. 2020-21 | |
3.2.1 | Research papers published in the journals notified on UGC website during A.Y 2020-21 | |
3.2.2. | Books and Chapters in edited Volumes / Books published, and papers in National/International Conference Proceedings per Teacher during AY2020-21 | |
3.3.1 | Extension activities in the neighbourhood community,sensitizing students to social issues during AY2020-21 |
3.3.2 | Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other recognized bodies during AY2020-21 | |
3.3.3. | Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organisations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/Youth Red Cross (YRC) etc., during AY2020-21 | |
3.3.4. | Students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programmes such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. during AY2020-21 |
3.4.1. | Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the- job training, project work, sharing of research facilities etc. during AY2020-21 |
3.4.2. | MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during AY2020-21 |