10 AM to 04 PM
Team registration and PPT submission to Dept. HoD and SPOC : 10th Jan 2020
Date of campus Hackathon : 20th Jan 2020 (Time: 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM)
The campus Hackathon will be conducted on 20th Jan. 2020 from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM and students are expected to demonstrate implementation of their idea. We are inviting external industry experts to evaluate and shortlist the ideas, as only 5 ideas from Software Category and 2 ideas from Hardware Category need to be uploaded on Smart India Hackathon portal.
Students are encouraged to login and participate in the Cisco Devnet contest that not just offers cool prizes to be won but also prepares students for SIH-2020 Idea planning and participation in the Grand Finale. Cisco has some free tools for developing the idea into prototype and can be viewed at:
The Cisco Devnet Contest can be viewed here: http://cs.co/sih202002