Department of Computer Engineering (CE)

Department Information

a. Short Term Goals

  • ♦ To improve academic performance of students using innovative and creative methods of teaching
  • ♦ To set up research labs in leading technologies of computer engineering like cloud computing, soft computing & mobile communications.
  • ♦ To organize workshops, seminars, conferences and training programs for knowledge sharing with the outside world.
  • ♦ To encourage faculties and students to take entrepreneurial projects for the benefit of society

b. Long Term Goals

  • ♦ To become the center of excellence in learning, teaching & research.
  • ♦ To establish and strengthen Industry – Institute Interaction and be an Industry solution provider
  • ♦ To create outstanding entrepreneurs in the area of computer engineering

c. Department Information at-a-glance

Name of the Department Department of Computer Engineering
Intake Capacity 180
Faculty Members Associate Professor 03
Assistant Professor 18
Non-Teaching Members 02
Classrooms 07
Laboratories 08

Student Testimonials

I would be wrong if I say, life of an engineering student at I²IT is boring just because he/she has to study 40 subjects in 8 semesters. At I²IT, learning is fun. I²IT gave me the chance and helped me to give life to the ideas that I dreamt when I was a kid.

Harsh Ajit Khajgiwale

Engineering, I²IT

Learning at I2it is fun. I could enhance my capabilities and be a better me.The institute gave me a direction to live my dreams. Here education is beyond classrooms. What impressed me is the Excellent infrastructure and the greenery around this clean campus.

Pearl Swaminathan

S.E. Computer Engineering, I²IT

For me, the name I2IT resonates with home. I2IT is so much more than just a place of learning, it’s a place where students can shape their aspirations and take them to next level. The four years spent there have not only taught me a lot but also hold innumerable memories and good times.

Saraswati Maddala

B.E., E&TC (2017) I²IT