Event Details


7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Panel Discussion on “Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry”

The panel discussion was organized by I²IT, ACM Student Chapter, in order to understand what is required in the Industry and is the same taught in college or not.

Since the topic of discussion was “Bridging Gap between Academia and Industry”, the panel members shared their experiences as engineering students and as peer leaders. The panelists received encouragement from faculty members as well as from students.

They identified the depth and diversity of the topic and focused on the points which are important for students to learn in college as well as to have a good understanding of freshmen demand in the Industry.

They also stressed on topics like internships, projects and the importance of mentor guidance.

It was an efficient use of our time, and it enhanced our knowledge and understanding about the areas we need to focus on and work on. Click here for more details