• 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

The webinar was conducted on the occasion of Engineer’s Day. Expert was online joined through Microsoft teams and students were offline sitting at the venue. The expert started the session by explaining the importance of entrepreneurship and its perks and the future of entrepreneurs. The session explains the importance of Entrepreneur as a career. And since it is a digital era and technology plays a vital role in the field of entrepreneurship, the session justified a lot about the same.

The session focus on topics like: How to choose a business idea, how to choose and form a team, on what values to work in every phase, how to market the product, how to reach customers.

He shared his journey and experience and students got insights from the same. He explained the topic which needs to be focused on while working on small businesses and also explained about digitalization and the power of social media in changing the phase of the business. He also explained to students what skills are required to be an entrepreneur and how can they develop those skills. Moreover, he gave focused on how students can do business and they need to improve for the same. Students asked queries related to the same and were satisfied by the answers and explanations given by the speaker.

Overall session was motivating for the students who are interested in taking a business opportunity. Click here for more details

  • 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

GDSC student members conducted this session for SE (Computer/IT) students.
Information on the following points was briefed to students by the team members:
1. Introduction of GDSC to the students.
2. Introduction of Core Team Members.
3. Information about various leads in their domain.
4. Short introduction regarding upcoming events.
5. Information about Domains for the students.

Click here for more details

  • 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

The GeeksForGeeks Student Chapter I²IT organized the Event GET BACK TO CODE from 29th Aug. 2022 to 08 Oct. 2022. It was a two-month program where our speakers brush up the DSA (Data Structure Algorithm) for all the students. This was run by the students for the students. Speakers revised all basics of DSA and guided the importance of DSA.

The objective of this session was to Brush up the DSA concepts, how to prepare DSA for placements, and to know career opportunities. As this club is run by the students for the students, it also builds the leadership skills of students. Click here for more details