had a Pre-Placement talk on ORACLE Preparation on 14th August-2024 from 10.45am – 12:45pm
Mr. Satish Thakare of Scientech Technologies took a guest lecture on VLSI, Embedded and IoT product Development for SE, TE and BE students on 04/04/2024… Click here for more details
Mr. Gaurav Kumar Raut of BSNL,Pune took a guest lecture on Artificial intelligence in Telecommunication for BE students on 03/04/24… Click here for more details
Ms. Rekha Pawar of Eduplus now conducted hands on session on PCB designing for SE students on 1/3/24 to 3/3/24 and 11/03/24… Click here for more details
Value added course on Automotive Product Planning & Development was conducted for BE and TE students by Mr. Ravi Singh of BigZero Technology,Pvt.Ltd on 29/02/24 and 1/3/24… Click here for more details
Electric Vehicle is an exciting domain and has better carrier opportunities in the coming days. Click here for more details..
This session was organized and conducted to give hands on training for “Ease of Academic Documentation” for all faculty members across institutes in region. Click here for more details..
This session was organized and conducted to give hands on training for “Ease of Academic Documentation” for all faculty members across institutes in region. Click here for more details..
This session is organized and conducted on “Statistical Modelling – Applications in Defence & Healthcare” for all faculty members in convention center. Click here for more details..
A Guest Lecture was organized for the Students of Second Year IT and E&TC Branch on the topic of “Industry-Oriented Aspect of Data Structures Through Case Study”. Click here for more details..
The session was organized by the student association ISETS of Department of Electronics of Telecommunication for SE, TE and BE students. It was conducted by Mr. Prabhat Kumar Srivastava (Senior section engineer in the Indian Railways and ex – Indian naval officer) on 5th September 2021, 5 pm – 6 pm. He has explained the structure of the Naval entrance exams and skills required to crack the exam. The interaction included various Questions on mental toughness and preparations required to be a naval officer and also the basic fundamental knowledge required from an engineering background to be an Indian Naval officer .Click here to download report…
Augmented course has explored the opportunities of security functionalities of TCP/IP protocol suite. Resource personnel has given deep insight about internet security protocols being implemented in various web services such as email, website etc. Click here to download report…
This augmentation course was conducted for SE students to get acquainted with IDE for interfacing and interfacing sensors with arduino board. Click here to download report…..
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication is organizing the Augmentation Course on 13/04/2020 at I2IT, Pune BE E&TC students on “ChatBot with Deep Learning”. Click here to download report…
Add on course was conducted for TE, BE students by our Alumni Saurabh Joshi.The course was planned to give basics and hands on sessions to know our own network and job opportunities in networking field. Click here to download report…..
Second year, Third Year Electronics and Final year Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in online Add- on course on 17th August 2020 to 23rd August, 2020 for 08 days on “Augmented Reality”. This course has expolored all students to accelerate knowledge and skill with a scalable Augmented Reality platform. This Course also explored Software Development Kits, plug-ins etc for their project considering for the Application development. Click here to download report…
Third year,Final year Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in online Add on course from 24th August 2020 to 9th Sept. 2020 for 14 day on Image Processing using Python and Open CV by Pallavi Pansare ,Department of Technology SPPU,Pune.This course has exposed all students to basics of image processing. This course also explores students with image processing using python and open cv. Click here to download report…..
Second year, Third Year Electronics and Final year Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in an online value added course on 10th August, 2020 to 23rd August Entrepreneurship as a Side Hustle accelerated skill with becoming an entrepreneur. This course also explores students with the importance of digital marketing in start Event Photos: Image 1: Mr. Nilesh explaining course content during course Importance of Digital Marketing in the current Pandemic situation. Helping students choose their passion & creating more student entrepreur Second year, Third Year Electronics and Final year Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in online value added course on ugust, 2020 for 10 days on “How to choose Entrepreneurship as a Side Hustle”. This course has exposed all stud a becoming entrepreneur. This course also explores students with importance of digital marketing in start-ups. Click here to download report…
The guest lecture was organized for SE students to enhance understanding of 8051 microcontroller for implementing application using it. Click here to download report…..
The expert lecture was organized by electronics and Telecommunication department for TE students to get adapted to Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). The session explained eligibility criteria, paper patterns and its importance for M.Tech admission and PSU selection. Click here to download report…
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication organized expert talk for SE, TE, BE students to study energy generation, different energy sources and their utilization and impact on environment. Click here to download report…..
Telecommunications are among the most dynamic industries and sensitive to technological advances. Currently, the paradigm shift to 5G, AI, and towards IoT is well underway. In 2020, adoption of these technologies will increase and transform 5G, IoT, AI, Cloud Computing, and Cloud Billing Platforms into telecom trends of 2020.Click here to download report…
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication organized expert talk for SE, TE, BE students to explore and create awareness higher education opportunities at AIT, Thailand. Click here to download report…..
The expert lecture was organized by electronics and Telecommunication department for SE, TE and BE students to understand machine learning and deep learning techniques. Expert very nicely explained recent trends in data science and machine learning. Click here to download report…
The expert lecture was organized by electronics and Telecommunication department for SE, TE and BE students to get recent updated on block chain technology. Expert very nicely explained block chain from basics to career opportunities in the field. Click here to download report…..
The expert lecture was organized by electronics and Telecommunication department for TE students to get adapted to Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE). The expert Mr. Abhijit Nath, Program manager-Post graduate division, Vidyalankar Group of Educational Institutes delivered session. GATE 2020, its structure, syllabus, marking scheme, subject wise mark distribution was discussed in detail. GATE ranking calculation and importance of giving this exam was very well explained and was motivational. Strategies and preparation schedule was discussed with students so as secure good marks and rank. By the end of day, students were in position to plan schedule for 2021.Click here to download report…
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication had organized a value added course on Basics of python programming for SE, TE students to learn python programming. Click here to download report…..
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication had organized a value added course on MATLAB Image Processing and Deep Learning for SE, TE, BE students to understand ML, deep learning with image applications. Click here to download report…
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication had organized a 5 days value added course on IoT for TE and BE students by Prof. Raghavan, for students to design IoT systems. Click here to download report…..
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication had organized a value added course on web GIS by Prof. Raghavan, for students to get brief on Geo informatics and its applications. Click here to download report…
Second year and Third year Electronics and Telecommunication students have visited National PARAM Supercomputing Facility, CDAC Pune. on 6th September, 2019. Center for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), has developed and supplied a range of high performance parallel computers, known as the PARAM series of supercomputers as a result of its pioneering developments.Click here to download report…
Second year and Third year Electronics and Telecommunication students have visited Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune. on 6th September, 2019. The Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) is an autonomous institution set up by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of India to promote the nucleation and growth of active groups in astronomy and astrophysics at Indian universities. IUCAA aims to be a centre of excellence within the university sector for teaching, research and development in astronomy and astrophysics.Click here to download report…..
Description: Second year & Third Year Electronics and Telecommunication students have visited Tarapur Atomic Power Station on 7th February, 2020. This visit has exposed all students with industry work environment, culture and latest technological development as required by industry. Click here to download report…
Second year, Third Year and Final year Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in an online value added course from 6thApril, 2020 for 10 days on “Data science using R”. This course has exposed all students to accelerate knowledge and skill with a scalable data science platform. Click here to download report…..
Second year, Third Year and Final year Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in online value added course organised from 1st June, 2020 for 3 days on “Manufacturing Analytics”. This course has exposed all students to accelerate knowledge and skill with a scalable data science platform, robotics, RPA, AI, ML.Click here to download report…..
Third Year Electronics Electronics & Telecommunication students have participated in an online expert lecture held on 02nd April 2020 on “Power Electronics – Electric vehicle Technology”. This session has exposed all students to accelerate knowledge and skill EVT and opportunities in electrical vehicle technology. Click here to download report…..
Second year Electronics and Telecommunication students have visited GMRT ,Khodad on 28 June, 2019. This visit has exposed all students with various antenna configuration and its implementation for signal transmission and reception.
This guest lecture was organized for SE,TE,BE students to make them aware about the ME CUP 2019 challenge and processing with this competition. The guest speaker also guided the students about how to use automotive electronics as a career option .
The expert lecture on Key aspect of Artificial Intelligence from industry prospective for final year students from Electronics & Telecommunication Department.
The expert lecture on Role of ARM processors in industry & its application and use of DSP processors in embedded applications was organized for third year students from Electronics & Telecommunication Department. The expert sessions conducted during the course enhanced for the embedded based application on ARM and DSP platforms for designing for their projects according to the industry requirements.
This guest lecture was organized for BE students to make them aware about the field of machine learning in banking and financial sector. The expert has shared about Chatbot application used by banks and other financial institution to resolve most general and frequent quires raised by clients. The financial frauds happening in financial institution can be prevented by effective use of machine learning techniques.
·To understand architecture and features of the Arduino development board .
· To identify realistic industrial use and formulate problem statement.
· To get acquainted with IDE for interfacing and interfacing sensors etc.
· To develop skills to provide solutions for real life problem